Sugar Thread Lifts
Sugar Thread Lifts are meant to be a temporary alternative to a subtle face lift. To get the best results, these lifting threads are meant to lift the brows, mid-face, jaws, and neck. This non-surgical face lift helps give the patient a nice, lifted look.
While originally created for use in pediatric hearts, Sugar Thread Lifts have been successfully used to lift the skin. These lifting threads are renowned for their ability to stimulate elastic collagen synthesis, creating collagen as they dissolve, which lasts for a few years. Patients will see the direct results of a Sugar Thread Lift for six to twelve months. While this procedure can be done alone, if Sugar Thread Lifts are done with dermal fillers, these solutions require re-treatment throughout the year.
A Sugar Thread Lifts procedure has a one to five day recovery period. The Lift threads have little bidirectional barbs on them that generate more lift than smooth Sugar Threads. Lifting threads will improve the tone, structure, and look of the skin.